Including External scripts where there are same scripts on multiple pages:
It is always a good practice to add a external CSS & JS scripts with same path on multiple site pages as the scripts are stored in cache to make the loading faster.Adding the heavy Java Scripts at the bottom
This is most noticeable easy & efficient way to reduce page loading time. Placing the java scripts just before </body> tag at the bottom of page loads the main content first & thus loading time is reduced significantly.Clean up unnecessary codes & avoid duplicate scripts
Many times in hurry we include some scripts again & again or while designing we write a code for an id but we do not use that style. In such case avoiding these instances can decrease the loading time.Choose <link> over @import for CSS
This is a best practice to load the style-sheets faster.We find many designers just putting unnecessary efforts to make web pages flashy & heavy just to show they are out of box. But it often sidetracks the main motive of web page – to load fast & spread its message to readers. So it is always advisable to make a web page simple as possible to make it load faster & convey its message to its viewers.