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Monday 3 December 2012

Search functionality on an index page

Here's how to implement simple and easy search functionality on an index page:

1. Let's say your controller looks like this:
public function actionIndex()
  $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Model');
2. Change it to this:
public function actionIndex()
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

      $q = $_GET['q'];
      $criteria->compare('attribute1', $q, true, 'OR');
      $criteria->compare('attribute2', $q, true, 'OR');

    $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider
            ("Model", array('criteria'=>$criteria));

The above will read in the "q" (for query) parameter, and use the compare function to create the sql to search a few attributes for that value. Note the use of the 'OR' operator.

3. In your index view, add this:
<form method="get">
<input type="search" placeholder="search" name="q" 
value="<?=isset($_GET['q']) ? CHtml::encode($_GET['q']) : '' ; 
?>" />
<input type="submit" value="search" />
The above creates a form that will submit to itself using the querystring. It displays a search input box, which is a text input box with a "cancel" command. It works in most browsers and defaults to a text field in the rest. When the user hits the search button, the form is submitted and the data is filtered by the search value.


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